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Airienteers, Orienteering in Airedale and Wharfedale and Leeds and Bradford

Roundhay Park

Regional Event

Sun 01 December, 2024

Level of event: Regional

Type of event: Race


Results   Winsplits   BOF results   Routegadget  

This event is linked to:

Bradford Grammar School-2024-11-30

Entries are now open

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Pre Event Info

Directions / Parking

Assembly is at Roundhay School, Old Park Road, Leeds LS8 1ND

Parking within the school grounds, note there is a one way system in operation and access is via the southern of the two drives off Old Park Road.

Buses 12, 13, and 13A from Leeds run very close to the school.

Also X98 and X99 which also serve Wetherby.

If you have never tried orienteering and would like to give it a go our orange and light green courses are suitable for newcomers.

Registration & Start Times

Registration and download are in the Pavilion building of Roundhay School. Toilets are also in the Pavilion, there are no toilets near the start so please avail yourself of this facility.

Please remove muddy shoes before entering the building

Registration will be open from 10:00 to 12:00

Start times from 10:30 to 12:30

Courses close at 14:30 Please chose an early start time if you need extra time

Entry Details

PRE-ENTRY - Use the Fabian Link Enter Online

  • Senior BO members = £10; on Brown to Light Green and £5 on Orange, Yellow and White (plus £2 supplement if not a member of British Orienteering).
  • All Juniors & Students courses Brown to Orange = £5
  • Juniors on Yellow & White = £0
  • Dibber hire is £1 apart from juniors on Yellow and White

Closing date for pre-entries at these prices is 23.59 on Sunday 24th November

After this date, online entries will remain open until midnight on Wednesday 27th November at EOD prices. There will also be limited entry on the day (EOD), subject to map availability


  • Senior BO members = £12; on Brown to Short Green and £7 on Orange, Yellow and White (plus £2 supplement if not a member of British Orienteering).
  • All Juniors & Students courses Brown to Orange = £5
  • Juniors on Yellow & White = £0
  • Dibber hire is £1 apart from juniors on Yellow and White

Course Information

Courses are now finalised

Start is c.1k from assembly and download, this will be taped.

It may be possible to cut across Soldier's Field to Princess Avenue, in a North Easterly direction, depending on sports matches on the day, however this will not be taped. Please use the traffic island to cross Princess Avenue, which you will reach following the taped route.

Length (km) Climb (m) Controls Map Scale
Brown 8.122521 1:10,000
Blue 6.0130171:10,000
Green 4.011512 1:10,000
Short Green 3.3 75131:7,500
VS Green 2.960121:7,500
Light Green 3.275 131:7,500
Orange 2.650 131:7,500
Yellow 2.550 14 1:7,500
White 1.4 159 1:7,500

Yellow has a supervised road crossing across the cul-de-sac that goes to the Mansion and is used mainly for parking. There will also be a taped route on Yellow.

Orange is at the top end of difficulty for an orange course.

Brown has two sides to the map.

Terrain Description

Parkland and woodland.

Dog restrictions

Dogs under control on the courses and at assembly Please clear up any mess.

Contacts / Officials

Organiser: Leon Foster

Planner: Liz Carter

Controller: Will Patterson

Important Information

Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.

Insurance: British Orienteering provides Public Liability insurance cover for all individuals taking part in our Organised Events and Activities.

Privacy: when entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.