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Airienteers, Orienteering in Airedale and Wharfedale and Leeds and Bradford

Temple Newsam

Regional Event

Sun 02 February, 2025

Level of event: Regional

Type of event: Race


Results   Winsplits   BOF Results   Routegadget   String course results  

Pre Event Info

Directions / Parking

From A63/B6159 follow signs to Temple Newsam House.

Parking in the public car park signposted on the left (for Home Farm) immediately after you pass the gates into Temple Newsam Country Park.

Update 28/01/2025 Access to the event centre will not be through the courtyard. Follow the signs to the eastern side of the building. Assembly and download will be through the doors that face out to the park.

Registration & Start Times

Registration from 10.00 -12.00

Start times from 10.30 to 12.30

Courses close at 14:30. Please have an early start time if you need extra time

Start times are NOT being allocated - turn up and run.

Entry Details

PRE-ENTRY - Use the Fabian Link below

  • Senior BO members = £10; on Brown to Light Green and £5 on Orange, Yellow and White (plus £2 supplement if not a member of British Orienteering).
  • All Juniors & Students courses Brown to Orange = £5
  • Juniors on Yellow & White = £0
  • Dibber hire is £1 apart from juniors on Yellow and White

Closing date for pre-entries at these prices is 23.59 on Sunday 26th January

After this date, online entries will remain open until midnight on Wednesday 29th January at EOD prices. There will also be limited entry on the day (EOD), subject to map availability

We have had cancellations which as yet are not in the system. If you get a message that the course is full please email the organiser.

Half price entry for control collectors - contact the organiser for a helper code

ENTRY ON THE DAY - Update 30/01/25 - We have maps available for all courses apart from Very Short Green

  • Senior BO members = £12; on Brown to Short Green and £7 on Orange, Yellow and White (plus £2 supplement if not a member of British Orienteering).
  • All Juniors & Students courses Brown to Orange = £5
  • Juniors on Yellow & White = £0
  • Dibber hire is £1 apart from juniors on Yellow and White

Course Information

Course Length (km) Climb (m) Controls Map Scale
Brown 9.9245231:10 000
S Brown 8.0200171:10 000
Blue6.4140151:10 000
Green 5.5135131:10 000
S Green 3.780121:7 500
VS Green 2.765111:7 500
L Green 3.39514 1:7 500
Orange 3.3 70141:7 500
Yellow 2.3 65121:7 500
White 1.745101:7 500

There will also be a STRING COURSE with a Gruffalo Theme!!


Terrain Description

A mixture of parkland and woodland with a good path network

Dog restrictions

Dogs under control at assembly.

Please no dogs on Green, Blue Short Brown and Brown courses. These courses go through areas where there are farm animals.

Please clear up any mess.

Contacts / Officials

Organiser: Ken Patterson 01132 948488

Planners: Andrew & Fay Stemp-Walsh

Controller: Steve Webb

Important Information

Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.

Insurance: British Orienteering provides Public Liability insurance cover for all individuals taking part in our Organised Events and Activities.

Privacy: when entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.