White Horse wonders
Top results from EBOR event 24.4.16
Airienteers got three top spots on Sunday.
Jack Wood won the Brown course by 15 mins, Dave Murgatroyd the Blue and Tony Thornley the Green.
White Horse, near Thirsk, has a poor 'green' reputation but the orienteering was good. The map extract is from the Green course.
Leading AIRE performers were:
Brown Jack Wood 1st (but 15 mins); Rob Gatenby 5th, Lee Beavers 6th
Blue Dave Murgatroyd 1st, David Williams 4th, Outi Kamarainen 16th (1st W35)
Green Tony Thornley 1st, Sue Stevens 13th
Short Green Ross Williams 3rd
Light Green Sarah Spickett 2nd
White Ben Thornley, Jack and Charlie Beavers 7th and 8th respectively