Results – Shipley Glen 5th March 2016
Special thanks to Pete Jones who not only planned the courses (we had swopped the on-the-day organisation for this event and Gilstead a couple of weeks earlier) but also put out and collected in the more distant controls. Together with the efforts of Angie and Nigel Hulley and John Nightingale they left me with just 4 controls to collect at the end. I am in debt to them all.
Daisy Hill + 1 W6 Aire 24.00
Jenny Cronin W70 24.00
Diana Marklow W45 ??
Sarah Ashberry W45 ??
Joseph Dawson M10 22.00
Alex Dawson M10 24.00
Samuel Crook + 1 M4 38.00
Natalie Fox W21 41.00
Adam Powell M14 Aire 42.00
Sarah Spickett W21 Aire 46.00
Lucy Fox W60 48.00
Isaac & James Rose M12 49.00
Adam Perry M45 56.00
Ric Fox M65 66.00
Robert & Pheobe Gatenby M35/W4 Aire 75.00
Chris Turner M65 EPOC 83.00
The Sabeys (4) M10+ 108.00
Clare Powell/Colin Smith M/W40 Trawden AC 110.00
Charlie Adams M50 SYO 35.00
George Stevens M21 Aire 36.00
Richard Hill M40 Aire 43.00
Ian Marshall M50 Aire 47.00
Louise Adams W18 SYO 55.00
Anna Chavez W45 Aire 98.00
John Purkis M60 SYO 113.00
John Nightingale M65 Aire 122.00
Chris Wilson M21 LUUOC 137.00
Somer Ackerman W20 LUUOC 137.00
Isaac & James Rose M12 58.00 (missed 9)
Sima Powell W45 Aire 80 (missed 3)