Hirst Wood Night Event - 17-Mar-2007

Updated 17-Feb-2007 21:58:17

Introductory Results Splits
Long Results Splits
Medium Results Splits
Short Results Splits

Split times, WinSplits Online

Any errors, omissions or corrections email me swatkins@NOSPAMPLEASE.couk (removing the NOSPAMPLEASE part of the email address).

If you find that the wrong details are being always read from your SI-card at Aire (and other clubs') events, there is most likely a mistake in the unified UK database maintained by SPORTident UK. If we don't come up with your details at all when reading your SI-card then you must be missing from the database. You can register your card and check or alter your details by going to, choosing Buy/Register SI-Cards from the menu then following the intructions. By making sure that your details are in the database and correct you will be helping future events run more smoothly!

Thanks, Steve.