Photographic Policy
Child protection in orienteering, as in most walks of life, continues to be a hot topic, and BOF have published a 12 page policy document for everyone in the sport to follow. Photography is a key aspect of the issue, which perhaps has potential to affect more ordinary orienteers than any other. This article is intended as a draft statement of Airienteers’ policy towards photography at events, based on a common sense approach. It is offered up for discussion and consultation amongst all club members at this stage. If you have any comments, please address them in writing to the committee, or verbally to Martyn and Lisa Broadest.
It is a sad fact that a small minority of the general population harbour unsavoury interests in young and vulnerable people and use sports as a means of pursuing these interests. As a sport and an organising club, we need to be aware of this and take action to obstruct such activities.
The publication of photographs, and the recognition and publicity value that can be associated with them, are important in encouraging young and old people alike to take part in our sport. Such photographs might include people during the race, at the start, finish or assembly, and collecting prizes. In particular:
- Photographs showing un-named people may be published without restriction (subject to the proviso in the following section on improper use).
- Photographs where young and vulnerable people are named in a caption, may only be used in Aire Affairs and other publications where the circulation is restricted to club members. Where permission from the parent or guardian is given, publication of such photographs and captions will be restricted in accordance with that permission. Verbal permission will be sufficient. If photos are supplied by the parent/guardian, publication will be deemed to be unrestricted.
- Now that Aire Affairs is published on the web, captions will be removed unless permission of the parent or guardian has been given.
Photographs showing people getting changed or in other such situations will not be published, and Airienteers discourage the use of cameras in circumstances where this could occur.
Airienteers assumes that anyone attending one of its events is willing to abide by these guidelines. A statement to the effect that their participation indicates such agreement will be placed on event literature and on the club’s website.
If you are concerned about the conduct at an event of another orienteer or member of the public in this respect, then please advise the Organiser who will take appropriate action, including as necessary informing the appropriate external agencies. It is not the responsibility of anyone engaged in orienteering to investigate or decide whether abuse is taking place; the Police and local authority social services departments have this responsibility.
If you have a complaint about this policy, or its application by the club, you should write to the Chair, who will be responsible for investigating the matter. Alternatively, and in accordance with BOF policy, you can approach the Designated Officer at BOF.