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Airienteers, Orienteering in Airedale and Wharfedale and Leeds and Bradford

Vampire-O Events

Last edited: Sun 21 Feb 2016

Some random notes about Airienteers’ VAMPIRE-O. Based on 2007 event in Middleton Woods, Ilkley. Adapt to suit…


  • Scary fun!
  • Always on Halloween night
  • Fancy dress adds to the atmosphere
  • For kids and grown-ups
  • Appeals to non-orienteers aswell as orienteers so publicise it
  • Can enter solo, in pairs, as families or even as marauding gangs!
  • Ideal location is a safe, wooded area with lots of paths… and gnarly oak trees!
  • Ideal location for assembly/start/finish is a big clearing in the woods that can be approached from many directions
  • Open parkland not quite so good – hiding and sneaking is better than chasing!


  • Signs
  • Registration base (car, hut, tent) with lighting, Registration Sheet, pens, clipboard, cash-float
  • Taped route to Assembly/Start/Finish area
  • Lanterns, etc to light Assembly/Start/Finish area
  • Tee-lights, pumpkins, etc to decorate Assembly/Start/Finish area
  • Matches
  • Lots of torch power
  • Some means of making a loud noise for start, finish and to attract excited attention!
  • Overprinted maps – Individually number each map, eg 1 to 60
  • Map to incorporate brief instruction, control descriptions and control card punching boxes
  • Clearly mark a proportion of these maps as being Vampires, eg 1 in 6
  • Plastic bags for maps unless on waterproof paper
  • Blank kites (x 24 + spares)
  • Canes for kites (x 24 + spares)
  • Traditional punches (x 24 + spares)
  • Canes for punches – unless sharing control cane
  • Control code labels numbered 1 to 24 and stapled (on location) to blank control kites
  • Red-beamed torches (can stick red plastic over a normal torch lamp) – Check batteries
  • Spare batteries
  • Tape and canes to tape-off sanctuary
  • Clock with mins/secs
  • Clipboard, Registration Sheet, pen for Finish
  • Prizes!
  • First aid
  • AIREport or Club tent in case of foul weather?
  • Tables, seats, stoves, pans, wooden spoons, ladels, cups etc to suit catering
  • Bags for litter

Instructions for Registration

  • Use Registration Sheet
  • Ascertain whether going solo, in pair or as group, ie how many people per map unit
  • Record all names per map unit (for both safety and to enable full results)
  • Charge per map unit issued
  • Advise that full instructions to be given just before mass start, including the maps
  • Direct to Assembly/Start/Finish area
  • Deliver final Registration Sheets to Finish

Will need a plan for dealing with late arrivals…

Verbal instructions to assembled throng prior to mass start

  • It’s Halloween, the time of year when orienteering turns nasty - Welcome to Vampire-O !!!
  • We have in our midst orienteers from the land of O and non-orienteers who might not be familiar with the strange language of O but, fear not, for all will be explained:
  • A 45 minute score event with a mass start
  • Visit as many controls as you can, in any order
  • You are looking for this… (show control unit: kite, code, punch)
  • There are 24 controls in total – You do not need to visit them all
  • The controls are numbered 1 to 24
  • Describe the map… start/finish, control circles, control numbers
  • The control numbers on the map match those on the ground
  • Identify the relevent control box on your map and punch it with the unique pin pattern
  • Eg, control 15 should be punched in box 15
  • Easier, closer, lower controls are worth 5 points (number 1-12 for easy identification)
  • Harder, further, higher controls are worth 10 points (number 13-24 for easy identification)
  • The code, description and points value for each control is also shown on the map
  • You must be back within 45 minutes
  • The penalty for each minute or part-minute you are late is 5 points so beware!
  • All members of your group must come back together
  • Everyone must report back to the Finish
  • Shortly we will hand out a map to each soul or group – please do not look at the map yet!
  • When the whistle blows you may look at your map and set-off … but …
  • … some of you will be vampires – your map will clearly say so
  • If this is you, don’t let-on to the masses but stay behind once they have fled
  • You vampires will be given a special red-beamed torch with which to hunt your prey
  • After about 5 minutes these vampires will be let loose in the woods
  • Vampires catch their prey simply by shining the red torch beam on their prey
  • If you get ‘vamped’ you must willingly exchange maps and the torch
  • You are now a vampire and must go hunting prey (and their hard-earned points!)
  • The former vampire is now free and can add to the points that they stole from you
  • Once you have all left this start area we will tape-off a large sanctuary area within which vampires have no powers. You may return here at any time.
  • We will make a very loud noise 2 minutes before the 45 minute deadline
  • We will do so again on the 45 minute deadline
  • During these two minutes the vampires will have temporarily lost their powers!
  • You may quickly leave your hiding places to reach this sanctuary
  • But after 45 minutes the vampires will again be active so woe betide any lonesome stragglers out there!
  • Please hand in your map at the Finish for scoring
  • Mention any out of bounds, eg all roads, pavements, gardens, etc
  • Warning re, eg slippery wooden bridges, tripping tree roots, etc
  • Beware paths can be hidden by fallen leaves
  • Any questions?
  • Don’t forget, soup, parkin, etc available when you finish

Instructions for Finish & Results

This can be an intense period so draft some helpers!

  • Take map from each returning unit
  • Record number of returned map on Registration Sheet
  • Check all in group have returned OK
  • Record number of minutes or part-minutes late
  • Calculate total points, eg Controls 1-12 = 5pts, 13-24 = 10pts
  • Deduct 5pts per minute or part-minute late
  • Calculate total points
  • Record those returning as Vampires
  • Identify winners and losers

Other thoughts:

  • Creepy music!
  • Props out in the woods?
  • Soup, parkin, etc afterwards

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