Middleton Woods, Ilkley
Middle Distance Event
Sun 03 December, 2017
Level of event: Regional
Type of event: Race
Results and Splits Winsplits Splitsbrowser BOF Ranking Points Routegadget
Level of event: Regional
Type of event: Race
Results and Splits Winsplits Splitsbrowser BOF Ranking Points Routegadget
Middleton Woods Final Details V3
Middleton Woods 3Rd Dec Risk Assessment Pj 1
The car park at Ilkley Pool and Lido, off Denton Road
Registration 10.00 -12.00
Starts 10.30 -12.30
Seniors: British Orienteering members £7.00 Non-members £9.00
Seniors on Orange, Yellow or White courses £3.00
Students: £3.00
Juniors: £3.00 Free on Yellow & White course.
Black - Hard
Brown - Hard but shorter
Blue - Hard but even shorter
Green - Hard and shorter still
Light Green - Moderately difficult
Orange - Moderate (Good for adult newcomers and experienced juniors)
Yellow - Easy (Good for young juniors with a little experience)
White - Very easy (Good for young junior newcomers)
Deciduous wooded hillside, with some rock and contour features, and a good path network - muddy in places.
Under tight control
Organiser: Peter Haines 01943 607725 hainesilkley@yahoo.co.uk
Planner: Rob King
Controller: Peter Jones
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Insurance: British Orienteering provides Public Liability insurance cover for all individuals taking part in our Organised Events and Activities.
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