Middleton Woods
YHOA Night League.
Sat 25 January, 2020
Level of event: Regional
Type of event: Race, Night
Results SplitsBrowser RouteGadget BOF results with ranking points
Level of event: Regional
Type of event: Race, Night
Results SplitsBrowser RouteGadget BOF results with ranking points
This event is linked to:
A night orienteering competition that takes place each winter, a series of events put on by each of the large clubs in the association.
Organiser's comments: Thank you to all who helped put on a successful night event, in particular Tony Thornley who undertook the Nell Bank co-ordination and who was the controller, Frank Kew who planned great courses with some multi-choice legs (e.g. 11 to 12 on Brown - at least three different types of routes were taken), and who had several competitors spinning around in the Nell Bank grounds (myself included), and Dan and his team at Nell Bank. David W ran SI from start to end as was one of the last to depart, despite not running himself, and Andrew and Julie collected controls once our last competitor finally checked in about 15 minutes after the courses closed. We lost at least half a dozen competitors to the Edinburgh Big Weekend or illness, but I would be intrigued to have any other feedback as to why entries were down on the usual AIRE YHOA night event, especially in the context of the highest New Year's Day event turnout for eight years and 280 runners competing at Bramley Fall. Thank you again to everyone, and the winter night league continues this Wednesday at Northcliffe; our next big event is on 16 Feb on Harden Moor. David (secretary@aire.org.uk).
Lost property: One pair of medium sized, well worn, black Thinsulate fluffy gloves: email David, the organiser, if they are yours: secretary@aire.org.uk
Yorkshire Night League race at Middleton Woods, Ilkley
Runnable woodland with rock and contour detail
Please bring your dibber to registration, as this will speed up the entry process!
Please car share. Parking at Nell Bank is limited.
Approaching from the East turn right at the central traffic lights in Ilkley, and right again after you cross the River Wharfe, into Denton Road.
Parking and Assembly are at the Nell Bank Centre, on the left 900m down the road.
Parking at Nell Bank is limited. Please car share. If you do everyone should get in. Overflow car park is 800m away at Ilkley Lido.
Registration is from 5.30 - 6.15.
Starts from 6.00 - 6.45.
Courses close promptly at 8.30 and controls will be collected shortly thereafter.
If you are likely to take a long time, please ensure that you start early please.
EOD only.
Seniors £10.00 (£2 reduction for BO members) Juniors & Students £4.00
SI Card Hire 50p
Long, Medium, and Short courses will be provided.
In the event of possible severe weather, please check www.aire.org.uk for information about possible cancellation, or phone the organiser.
Please make sure that you bring suitable clothing - thermal layers, waterproofs, hat, gloves,etc to cope with whatever the weather throws at us. Shoes with good grips are essential.
Carrying a whistle is strongly advised.
Remember that you must download even if you retire from your course.
Runnable, but in places muddy, woodland with a good path network, and some contour and rock detail
No dogs in the Nell Bank Centre.
Organiser: David Alcock 07989 563588 alcock_david@hotmail.com
Planner: Frank Kew
Controller: Tony Thornley
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Insurance: British Orienteering provides Public Liability insurance cover for all individuals taking part in our Organised Events and Activities.
Privacy: when entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.