Middleton Park
Aire Spring Sprint League
Wed 25 May, 2016
Level of event: Level D
Type of event: Race, Training
Level of event: Level D
Type of event: Race, Training
This event is linked to:
2024 Flyer:
20/03 - Whinmoor
03/04 - Bramley Fall
17/04 - Bramley Park
01/05 - Calverley Village & Woods
League Standings:
Archive Results:
Spring Sprint League 2016 Flyer
From A653 Dewsbury Road, turn south into Beeston Ring Road. After 1k turn left into Town Street (water tower on your left). After a further 500m turn lkeft into the park, and follow the road to the right to the car park near the Visitor Centre.
Assembly, Start, Finish and Refreshments are at the Visitor Centre
Registration from 6.00. Starts 6.30-7.00
Senior £3.50 Junior £1.50 per map
Sprint - technically hard standard. (2.5k-3.5k)
(Top international runners will do this in 12-15 minutes. You’ll be slower, but feel free to use the map for a longer non-competitive run after you have completed the sprint.)
Yellow and Orange Courses will not cross roads with traffic above campus speed. All runners aged under 16 must run one (or both) of these courses only.
Orange – moderate difficulty (2.0k-2.5k)
(Suitable for newcomers and juniors with some experience)
Yellow - easy (1.5k-2.0k)
(Suitable for juniors with no or limited experience)
Woodland and parkland
Under control
Organiser: Graeme Tiffany 01132576648 graeme.tiffany@gmail.com
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Insurance: British Orienteering provides Public Liability insurance cover for all individuals taking part in our Organised Events and Activities.
Privacy: when entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.