Double check the information on parking before setting off. After Saturday's rain the parking field is quite swampy, although we are hoping that will improve during the week.
Please be aware of Latest British Orienteering Guidance re Covid-19
Everyone should minimise travel wherever possible, but participants and volunteers can travel to take part in organised sport, including orienteering events and activities, where necessary. Participants and volunteers should not stay away from home overnight for orienteering.
Relevant to YBT & S
Spectators are not permitted at any orienteering event or activity, with the exception of carers for people with disabilities, or adults needed to supervise under-18s in a safeguarding role. Where it is necessary for them to be present, supervising adults should not mix with others from outside their household or support bubble.
British Orienteering Covid Guidance 29 March 2021
Long Orange, Green, Blue and Brown courses cross a very heavily used Mountain Bike Trail once, at a point where the cyclists tend to slow down.
Please cross with care, only using the major footpath to do so. Do not run on or cross the trail at any other point.
The trail is shown on the map extract to the right. It is the ride symbol underscored with the purple out of bounds symbol.
Control descriptions for you to print are here. Middleton Park Control Descriptions
Directions / Parking
Parking and Assembly are near the Middleton Park Visitor Centre, off Town Street
This is best approached from the A653 Leeds-Dewsbury Road heading south on Beeston Park Ring Road. After 1.5k, by the watertower on the left, turn left into Town Street. The park entrance is a further 500m on the left.
Please keep to the 5mph speed limit in the park. There are a number of savage speed humps to help you achieve this! The area is very popular with the public so please be considerate.
Follow the Orienteering signs to the park car park, continue straight through the left hand side of the car park to the far gate, where you will be directed to parking on a level grass field.
Orienteers must park their vehicles in the field allocated and follow the marshal's directions.
Orienteers must not park in the public car park which they drive through.
Parking, Toilets, Start, Finish, and Download are all adjacent to each other.
In the unlikely event of the parking field being unusable due to bad weather, parking will have to be roadside outside the park, in which case you are likely to need between 5 and 10 minutes to get to the start, which is approximately 400m from the park gates.
There is a small volunteer run cafe in the nearby Visitor Centre.
Portable toilets will be available. Please use the hand sanitiser provided before and after use.
Registration & Start Times
Middleton Park Control DescriptionsThere will be no EOD Registration.
Start times from 10.30 to 13.00. You will be given the opportunity to choose your start time when you enter. Please stick to it.
Please try and get to the start when you are due to start. You may have a very long wait for a spare start slot. There is space to socially distance and please do so.
Start Procedure
To avoid groups of people around the start area, please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your allocated start time. Call-up will be 2 minutes before you start.
Please try to adhere to your allocated start time, competitors arriving early may be asked to leave the start area and come back closer to their start time. Competitors arriving late should discuss with the start team when the next start slot will be available and be prepared to leave the start area until they are within 5 minutes of their new start time.
All competitions should maintain 2m distance from other competitors and the start team, when in the start area
Please use the hand sanitiser provided before entering the start lane.
There will be 2 start lanes over 2m apart either side of the start box. Each lane is divided into two 1 minute boxes. The right hand lane will be for the White, Long Orange, Short Green, Blue and Brown courses. The left hand lane will be for all the Yvette Baker courses, whether you are a YBT/S competitor or not: Yellow, Orange, Light Green and Green courses.
The first box contains the SI clear and check boxes on stakes, in the following order: SIAC Battery Test, Clear, Check. You need to dib these in that order for SIAC cards. For standard and hire SI cards just use Clear then Check. The second box contains the SIAC On/Off test. (Simply waft your SIAC card.)
The second box is the start line. There will be no loose control descriptions or display maps.
On start time pick up your map from the course box, taking care to ensure you only pick up one. Remember to dib at the start box.
Control Descriptions are available here for you to print prior to the event Middleton Park Control Descriptions.
Courses close at 2.45
Hand sanitiser will be provided at download. Remember to keep your distance from the Download Official.
Please make sure you download even if you do not complete your course.
There will be a 1st Aid tent. Please maintain 2m distancing when needing to visit this. The 1st Aider will not treat you. You will be given the kit and advice, if needed, as to how to self-administer. The 1st Aider will give you directions to the nearest hospital if required.
Entry Details
Pre-entry only using Fabian4 (link below)
Airienteers who volunteer to help are entitled to half price entry.
Please send an email to the organiser,
who will provide you with a code to use on Fabian.
Middleton Park - Enter here
Entry window has now been extended until 13.00
Entries close at 11.59 pm on Sunday 9th May
Seniors £10.00 (£8.00 for BO members)
Seniors £4.00 on Orange, Yellow and White Courses
Juniors and Students £4.00
Juniors free on White and Yellow courses
SI card hire £1
Traditional SI cards will be available for hire at the event from Enquiries. Unfortunately we are not able to offer SIAC cards for hire at this event. A charge of £30 will be made for lost or non-returned hire SI cards.
Controls will be SIAC enabled. But you must dib at the Start and at the Finish.
Competitors with standard or hired SI cards must also dib at all controls. Hired SI cards can be collected at the start. After your run they must be left in a box beside the splits printer.
It is the competitor's responsibility to ensure that their SI card has registered at the control.#
Covid 19 Considerations: All entering must adhere to the British Orienteering Code of Conduct
Please do not enter or attend if:-
You are unwell with a cough, fever or other respiratory symptoms
You have been in close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of Covid 19 and are within the quarantine period.You have returned from non exempt overseas country and not have completed the quarantine period.
You are currently undergoing Covid19 testing,until you receive a negative result and are symptom free
You have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace due to you being a contact of known Covid 19 case.
If you have been advised to stay at home by a Health Care professional.
Those who are at higher risk to pay particular care in decision to attend. Over 70’s are to be aware that they are at higher risk.
In these uncertain times, if you have to cancel your entry for a Covid related reason, you will be entitled to a full refund. Please amend your entry.
Slightly differently, if we have to cancel the event a refund will be available minus an administration fee.
Yvette Baker Trophy and Shield
Juniors check with your club captain that you are entering the right course.
To be competitive you should run the following courses
Green: M/W18 or under
Light Green: M/W14 or under; Any M/W16 and M/W18 who has never gained a gold standard at M/14 or higher at a JK, British Long Distance Championships, or Northern, Midland or Southern Championships, or who has not finished within 125% of their class winner at a previous Yvette Baker Final
Orange: M/W12 or under; Any M/W14, M/W16 and M/W18 who has never gained a gold standard at M/12 or higher at a JK, British Long Distance Championships, or Northern, Midland or Southern Championships, or who has not finished within 125% of their class winner at a previous Yvette Baker Final
Yellow: M/W10; Any M/W12 and M/W14 who has never gained a gold standard at M/12 or higher at a JK, British Long Distance Championships, or Northern, Midland or Southern Championships, or who has not finished within 125% of their class winner at a previous Yvette Baker Final
Yorkshire Superleague
Yorkshire Superleague Rules
You can enter any course you wish to be competitive.
We would recommend the following courses - taking into account the YBT requirements
Brown M21, M35, M40
Blue W21, W35, W40 M20, M45, M50, M55, M60
Green W16, W18, W45, W50, W55, W60 M16, M18, M65, M70
Short Green W65+ M75+
Light Green W14 M14
Long Orange Not a Superleague course - best for senior runners with little navigational experience
Orange W12 M12
Yellow W10 M10
White Not a Superleague course - best for younger juniors.
Course Information
1:7500 map. 5m contours, updated 2019 for the British Relay Championship with a few further updates since.
White: 1.8k 35m Very Easy - For young and inexperienced juniors
Yellow: 2.1k 45m Easy - For juniors with a little experience
Orange: 2.9k 65m Moderately Easy - For more experienced juniors and inexperienced seniors.
Light Green: 3.7k 80m Moderately Hard - For experienced juniors
Short Green: 3.5k 80m Hard
Green: 4.5k 115m Hard
Long Orange: 4.8k 125m Moderately Easy 130m Suitable for less experienced but fit adults.
Blue: 6.1k 150m Hard
Brown: 7.6k 170m Hard Brown will be in 2 parts with back-to-back maps.
Terrain Description
Heavily pitted ancient deciduous woodland, with an extensive path network. The area is disected by 2 valleys. There are also some open areas, one of which is an abandoned golf course, which is visited by all courses other than White and Yellow. The fairways remain clear linear navigational features. All courses also visit an open area often grazed by tethered horses.
Long Orange, Green, Blue and Brown courses cross a very heavily used Mountain Bike Trail once, at a point where the cyclists tend to slow down. Please cross with care, only using the major footpath to do so. Do not run on or cross the trail at any other point.
There are several areas with the purple out of bounds symbol. Course are designed for you to avoid these places. Please do so. They are:-
1 In the east of the area several extensive areas of recently planted trees, which are very hard to discern at running speed.
2. In the central open area a landing strip for the local model aeroplane club
3. Two areas of wet land in the west of the area, which are the home to protected flora and fauna.
Dog restrictions
Dogs under control on the courses. Please clear up any mess.
Contacts / Officials
Organiser: Guy Patterson 07817 046271
Planner: Chris Burden
Controller: Neil Conway