Kilnsey South
The Dales Town and Country Weekend / YHOA Superleague
Sun 03 June, 2018
Level of event: Regional
Type of event: Race
Results WinSplits SplitsBrowser Colour Standards BOF Ranking Points Routegadget
Level of event: Regional
Type of event: Race
Results WinSplits SplitsBrowser Colour Standards BOF Ranking Points Routegadget
This event is linked to:
The primary orienteering league for the YHOA region, based on performance in the best events held each year.
The neighbouring area to the 2019 British Championships. Excellent for training for that event.
Complex limestone terrain, rising to approximately 400m, with very few walls.
Originaly advertised as being on the Saturday of the weekend.
Kilnsey South Final Details v1.2 1/6/18
Parking in Threshfield Quarry. Signed from the B6160 at Threshfield.
Registration: 10.00am – 12.00am
Starts: 10.30am - 12.30pm
Seniors £9.00 (£7.00 for BOF members); Juniors £3.00
Yellow Course 50p for Juniors; £3 for seniors
SI card hire: 50p (on the day only)
£1 overall discount if you enter both events.
Enter preferably on line at by Sunday 27/05/2018.
Alternatively by post to Town & Country Weekend, 12 Carlton Grove, Shipley, BD18 3AS by 20/05/2018. Cheques payable to ‘Airienteers
Seniors £16.00 (£14.00 for BOF members); Juniors £5.00
All students and adults running Orange, Yellow or White courses: £5.00
Yellow and White courses 50p for Juniors.
SI card hire: 50p (on the day only)
Subject to availability of maps
Seniors £10.00 (£8.00 for BOF members); Juniors £3.00
Yellow Course 50p for Juniors; £3 for seniors
Please email organisers if bringing a large group for EOD
SI card hire: 50p
Seniors £ 18.00 (£16.00 for BOF members); Juniors £6.00
All students and adults running Orange, Yellow or White courses: £6.00
Yellow and White courses 50p for Juniors.
SI card hire: 50p
Full range of colour coded courses (except Long Orange).
You can enter whichever course you want. The suggested course for each age class in the Yorkshire Superleague are recommended here
Typical Dales Limestone terrain with only a few walls.
1:10000 Map by Chris Burden
On a tight lead in the parking area only.
Organiser: Richard Foster 01132 668323
Planner: Alistair Wood
Controller: Allen Bannister
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Insurance: British Orienteering provides Public Liability insurance cover for all individuals taking part in our Organised Events and Activities.
Privacy: when entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.