Eldwick - Winter Night Score League
1st event in a series of 8.
Wed 05 January, 2022
Level of event: Local
Type of event: Score, Urban, Night
Level of event: Local
Type of event: Score, Urban, Night
Mass start 45 and 60 minute score event.
Bring a torch and a pen.
Juniors (-16) must be accompanied and supervised by an adult
High viz clothing is advised. Bring kit suitable for all winter weather conditions.
Airienteers Winter Night Score League 2022
Details elsewhere in this webpage
Gilstead Recreation ground is the event centre, parking roadside on Gilstead Lane/Primrose Lane.
Public Transport: 20 min walk along Ferncliffe road from Bingley train station or 616/619 bus; alternative 30 mins walk from Saltaire train station via Higher Coach road (trail).
Registration 6.30 - 6.55
Mass start - 7.00
EOD only Seniors £4.00 Juniors and students £2.00
Before attending any orienteering activity all participants should self-assess for Covid-19 symptoms which include: a high temperature; a new continuous cough; and a loss of, or change to, their sense of taste or smell. If you, or anyone you live with, has one or more of these symptoms, however mild, you should not attend the event.
Similarly if you have been informed that you need to self-isolate, then you must do so.
We encourage competitors to try and maintain a respectful distance from one another, as infection rates remain high.
45 minute and 60 minute course.
There are leagues for Men and Women, with prizes for the winners of Open Classes and Over 45 Classes. Your best 5 runs count.
Courses may use either street furniture or normal control kites.
Urban with a few controls on or near paths which are likely to be slippery and muddy.
Using a 1:7500 OpenOrienteering Map (new area)
On a tight lead please.
Organiser: robert gatenby trebor_38AThotmail.com
Safety and Risk: A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Insurance: British Orienteering provides Public Liability insurance cover for all individuals taking part in our Organised Events and Activities.
Privacy: when entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports. Read our data protection page to see how we look after your personal data.