Thanks to everyone attending today in the heat. We hope you enjoyed running on two new areas
despite it being the warmest day of the year.
I was pleased that there were no major contentious issues to deal with and most of the two events went
smoothly. We just had a few minor issues in getting the finish out at Churwell, which delayed the starts
for about 10mins. Apologies if this affected your start, but hopefully we managed to get everything back
on track quickly.
The two minor issues raised to me as controller were about whether there was a passable route over
the uncrossable fence to the NW of control 182. I went and checked this afterwards and there is a 2m
high fence at the end of the cul-de-sac as mapped, so this was as mapped and not a permissible route.
The other comment was that the bush/thicket at control 167 wasn’t mapped. It was on the map, but
was added late on and didn’t have the chance to produce a printed proof with the final map corrections.
I used the wrong green which was not clear against the yellow open - it should have been drawn in the
100% Green as the other bushes on the map were.
Thanks to all the volunteers for putting the event on: Ken for organising, Tim for planning, Liz, Pete and
David on SI, Chris for his Churwell map, and to all the start team officials and control collectors.
Thanks, Richard
First day of the Aire Fat Rascal Weekend
A Yorkshire Urban League Event
nb Slight last minute covid related change to Download and toilet provision in section headed "Registration and Start Times"
Directions / Parking
Parking will be at Sulzer Pumps (UK) Ltd, Manor Mill Lane, Leeds, LS11 8BR,
Manor Mill Lane is at the south end of the Sulzer site and is the easterly exit on the roundabout where the A6110 (Ring Road Beeston) meets Elland Road coming from Churwell.
The A6110-A653 form the link road between Junction 1 of the M621 and Junction 28 on the M62.
Unless you are very local to the event area, parking is best approached from Junction 1 of the M62 or Jn 28 of the M62.
From the M621 go onto the A6110 southbound. At the first roundabout, after various traffic lights, Manor Mill Lane is the first, easterly exit.
From the M62, go onto the A653 northbound travelling downhill to the second roundabout (White Rose Centre southern entry). At this point the A653 becomes the A6110. Follow the A6110 to the left as the Dewsbury Road (A653) leaves to the right. Follow the A6110 at the third roundabout (White Rose north entry) to the fourth roundabout. Manor Mill Lane is the third, easterly exit at this roundabout.
There are many signs in this area both formal and informal. It is likely that the only useful “O” signing will be at or close to the A6110-A643-Manor Mill Lane roundabout.
Registration & Start Times
Start times can be viewed via this link Fabian4
The first race will be Churwell and the second Cottingley.
We were grateful to the Drysalters pub for the use of their facilities for the event, BUT see below.
Please note: Car parking is NOT available to competitors at the pub. All competitors should use the Sulzer car park.
Owing to a staff member contracting Covid we will not have access to the Drysalters pub, which is completely closed. However, they have kindly agreed to let us use the tables outside the pub for enquiries and download. They have also allowed us to put a portable toilet in their carpark, behind the pub. At this short notice we could only find a single toilet so please use facilities on your way to the event if possible. There are toilets at the White Rose Centre, which is accessible and signposted from the A6110, via the two roundabouts on the A6110 to the south of the event.
The routes from the car park and event centre, to and from the competition areas cross the very busy A6110. The routes have been planned and will be marked to use the pedestrian controlled lights close to the event centre (The Drysalters pub). Please do not cross the A6110 at any other point and please allow a little extra time for the crossing.
The total route from the Sulzer car park to the first start (Churwell) is ~1000m and gently uphill. At a relaxed walking pace, competitors should allow ~15 minutes - plus pre-start up time, and time for visiting enquiries, toilets etc.
There is only a small waiting area at the first start so competition are asked to arrive no more than 5 minutes before their allocated start time.
The total route from the Sulzer car park to the second start (Cottingley) is -400m. At a relaxed walking speed allow 10 minutes, including crossing the A6110.
1st leg Start times are from 11.00 - 12.00. Courses close at 12.45
2nd leg Starts will be from 13.00 - 14.00
To limit the amount of time hanging around between runs, for hopefully this year only, your second start time will match your first, being 2 hours later, i.e. if you first start is at 11.00 your second start will be at 13.00.
Competitors with SIAC please punch at the Start and the Finish.
Start Procedure
To avoid groups of people around the start area, please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your allocated start time. Call-up will be 2 minutes before you start.
Please try to adhere to your allocated start time, competitors arriving early may be asked to leave the start area and come back closer to their start time. Competitors arriving late should discuss with the start team when the next start slot will be available and be prepared to leave the start area until they are within 5 minutes of their new start time.
All competitions should maintain social distance from other competitors and the start team, when in the start area
Please use the hand sanitiser provided before entering the start lane.
The first box contains the SI clear and check boxes on stakes, in the following order: SIAC Battery Test, Clear, Check. You need to dib these in that order for SIAC cards. For standard and hire SI cards just use Clear then Check. The second box contains the SIAC On/Off test. (Simply waft your SIAC card.)
The second box has loose control descriptions but no display maps.
The 3rd box is the start line
On start time dib at the start box and then pick up your map from the course box, taking care to ensure you only pick up one.
Entry Details
Entries are now closed.
Hired SI cards will be available to collect at download. A charge of £30 will be made for lost or non-returned hire SI cards. After your run they must be left in a box beside the splits printer.
Controls will be SIAC enabled. But you must dib at the Start and at the Finish.
Competitors with standard or hired SI cards must also dib at all controls.
It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that their SI card has registered at the control.
Covid-19 Considerations:
Due to Covid restrictions there will not be a chase this year. Start times for both legs will be allocated when you enter, to avoid the need for folks to cluster around notice boards looking for start times.
Please maintain appropriate social distancing at all times, including between the 2 legs.
Please do not enter or attend if:-
You are unwell with a cough, fever or other respiratory symptoms
You have been in close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of Covid 19 and are within the quarantine period.You have returned from overseas and have not completed the quarantine period.
You are currently undergoing Covid19 testing, until you receive a negative result and are symptom free
You have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace due to you being a contact of a known Covid 19 case.
If you have been advised to stay at home by a Health Care professional.
Those who are at higher risk to pay particular care in their decision to attend. Over 70’s are to be aware that they are at higher risk.
In these uncertain times, if you have to cancel your entry in order to self isolate you will be entitled to a full refund. Please amend your entry.
Similarly if we have to cancel the event a refund will be available minus an administration fee.
Course Information
Course 1 MO (M18 - M35 inclusive) 2.9k/2.9k
Course 2 MV (M40+): WO (W18-W35 inclusive) 2.7k/2.6k
Course 3 MJ (M16-): MSV (M55+): WV (W40+) 2.6k/2.4k
Course 4 MUV (M65+): WJ (W16-): WSV (W55+) 2.0k/2.1k
Course 5 MHV (M75+) : WUV (W65+): WHV (W75+) 1.7k/1.7k
Course 6 MYJ (M12-): WYJ (W12-) 1.6k/1.3k
Climb on all courses varies between 15m and 55m
You may run the course of your choice, but to be competitive in the Yorkshire Urban League you will need to enter the course listed for your class above.
Control descriptions will be on the map. There will also be loose control descriptions in the start lane.
Both legs count for BO Ranking points
The combined results count for the Yorkshire Urban league.
Courses close at 2.30
Hand sanitiser will be provided at download. Remember to keep your distance from the Download Official.
Please make sure you download after each course, even if you do not complete your course.
Terrain Description
Cottingley is a complex urban estate. Churwell is a little less complex, but hillier - and still potentially entertaining.
Some of the paths and grassed areas may be slippy if it rains heavily, (although the weekend forecast is good), but the controller managed in roadshoes in wet conditions.
Due to the warm/wet summer, the undergrowth is up and thus areas marked with the undergrowth screen may be best avoided if wearing shorts (only an issue at Churwell).
Both maps updated 2021 at 1:4000. Cottingley by Richard Foster. Churwell by Chris Burden
Dog restrictions
Dogs under tight control and preferably not on the courses.
Contacts / Officials
Organiser : Ken Patterson 07986 700 650
Planner: Tim Patterson
Controller : Richard Foster