Compass Sport Cup at Ilkley Moor 23rd February
Please sign up asap to run for AIRE in our match against CLOK and SYO on Sunday 23 February.
Although we are competing on home terrain this year we need as many competitors as possible; the SYO captain has estimated that they will be bringing 80 runners to start their defence of the trophy! Some of us will be helping to stage the event: please note on the sheet and I will liaise with Chris Penny to arrange start times that are compatible with your duties.
The spreadsheet also has tabs for JK and British Relay teams, and for juniors only for the Yvette Baker Trophy. We are also organising the JK relay and I will liaise with Richard and Liz to work our relay teams around helper duties. Please sign up and pay for adult entries as soon as you can so I can start to put team combinations together.
Thanks, Steve